Educational Visits

Wembury Marine Centre is a Sea Green accredited provider – we offer year round bespoke sessions at Wembury beach and deliver classroom sessions on a range of topics.
We offer sessions for all ages from Pre-school right through to adult (U3a) and all educational Key Stages in-between.
In addition, we work with mainstream schools, special educational needs providers and alternative education providers such as home education groups and pupil referral units.
A very well organised trip, with very knowledgeable staff and volunteers
Wembury Beach based activities include:
For all enquiries, please get in touch here.
Wembury Marine Centre also offer a wide range of educational talks:
We offer a broad programme of educational talks for school classroom delivery which we can offer in-person or virtually. Our Marine Wildlife Champions project offers schools and other educational groups the opportunity to work with us for a full academic year on a range of marine conservation topics. Head to our Wildlife Champions page for more info.
An array of curriculum-linked learning resources are also freely available below:
Our classroom talk was engaging and interactive - a great introduction to rockpool creatures with valuable information to prepare the children for our beach visit. Thank you all.Wembury Primary School
All sessions are curriculum, STEM and Ocean Literacy linked and can be tailored to your needs.
We also offer a range of events and evening talks for adult/community groups.
A charge applies for most of our educational sessions and costs vary depending on the activity - please Contact Us to discuss in more detail.
We would love to work with you and your students - whatever their age and whatever your topic, please Contact Us to discuss your requirements in more detail or BOOK NOW