Coastal Detectives

Stream dipping

Coastal Detectives

Coastal Detective sessions for schools and educational groups:

Wildlife wander

Wembury Marine Centre offers guided sessions exploring the wider coastal environment at Wembury including the surrounding meadows, stream and South West Coast Path. These sessions are available to schools and other educational and private groups.

Our Coastal Detective sessions are delivered by a Devon Wildlife Trust staff member based at Wembury Marine Centre and are supported by our team of volunteers. Devon Wildlife Trust has full public liability and employer’s liability insurance for all our activities at Wembury beach, our staff are qualified First Aiders and hold an enhanced DBS check.

Coastal Detective sessions to choose from:

Stream Searchers

A guided stream dipping session in Wembury Stream searching for freshwater invertebrates such as mayfly, stonefly & caddisfly nymphs.  Pupils will learn how to do kick sampling, as well as using a classification key to identify the species they find.

This session can be run as a survey for bioindicator species and a diversity index used to calculate water quality. Please note April - August is the best time of year for stream dipping sessions. For access and safety reasons, stream dipping sessions are limited to no more than 30 pupils. 

This session can be easily modified to suit KS1-4.

Wildlife Wanderers

Suitable for KS1 or 2, we offer guided walks in the meadows and coastpath surrounding Wembury Beach.  Guided walks can include bug hunting, bird watching or sensory based activities such as sound maps and sticky postcards. 

Map Makers

Ideal for KS2, this 'local place' based geography session covers how to create a basic map using a key, followed by a human geography quiz/trail around the site, finishing in the marine centre, learning about local marine conservation.  

Raft Racers

Most suited to KS2 or 3, we offer a STE(A)M themed workshop where pupils design and build a miniature raft using driftwood and other natural materials, testing and modifying as we go, the rafts can be raced down the stream in small groups.

Beach Artists

Perfect for KS1 or 2, we can offer a range of Beach Art & Seashore Craft activities, this session includes a scavenger hunt on the beach in small groups to gather materials such as driftwood, shells & feathers, which the pupils can then create a collage or piece of art with on the beach.  The second part of the sesison involves creating some natural art, such as a driftwood and limpet shell mobile, which the children can then take home.  Depending on class size, this session can be modified to take place inside the Marine Centre during wet weather. 

Photo of seashore crafts at Wembury Marine Centre

Our Coastal Detectives sessions are charged at £4.75 per pupil per activity (2024 price), but there is normally a discount for booking more than one activity on the same day.

The sessions can be booked year-round so please Contact Us to discuss in more detail or Book Now

bug hunt Wembury