Wembury Marine Conservation Area Advisory Group
A Voice for Wembury's Natural Environment:
The Wembury Marine Conservation Area (MCA) Advisory Group was established in 1981 and has two main objectives:

1. To promote the conservation and study of the Wembury Marine Conservation Area (MCA) as defined in the map below.
2. To promote the education of the public, school children and students in the principles of marine conservation by the use of various interpretive media with due regard to intensifying pressures on a vulnerable site.
Wembury MCA Advisory Group constitution is available to download here.
Wembury MCA Advisory Group's main aim is to support the Marine Centre in their brilliant engagement and education work, especially in inspiring youngsters about Wembury’s wonderful marine life. We also hope to give the Wembury Area a voice on marine conservation issues
Chair - Wembury MCA Advisory Group
Code of Conduct

The Wembury MCA Advisory Group committee has worked in partnership with statutory organisations and local stakeholders to develop a Code of Conduct for the Wembury Marine Conservation Area.
The Code of Conduct is available to download here
Consultation responses:

Paul Naylor, marinephoto.com
The Wembury MCA Advisory Group committee respond and comment on consultations that have a direct impact on the Wembury Marine Conservation Area.
If you would like to view recent consultation responses, please contact the Chairman using the details below.
Wembury MCA Advisory Group organise events throughout the year, please see below for their upcoming events:
Annual General Meetings
Members of Wembury MCA Committee and the local community at WMC 25th Anniversary event.
Wembury MCA Advisory Group's Annual General Meeting takes place in November each year, anyone with an interest in the Marine Conservation Area is welcome to attend. Contact the Secretary if you would like notice of future meetings.
AGMs are usually held in November each year and the minutes of and presentations given at the most recent AGM are available here.
Wembury Marine Conservation Area Advisory Group (WAG) Committee and contact details:
Chair: Paul Naylor - 07767 364949, paul@marinephoto.co.uk
Secretary: John Hepburn - 01752 863764, mewstone.enterprises@gmail.com
Vice-chair: Keith Hiscock
Treasurer: Phil Pascoe
Members: Jack Sewell, Roger Swinfen, John Williams, Karen Williams, Helen Staddon, Maralynn Butterworth & Sarah Barnes

Credit Paul Naylor