Practising a duck dive
What's On
Wembury Marine Centre's upcoming events:
Rockpooling, snorkelling, beach cleans and more!
Come and join us for some family-friendly beach fun!

Wembury Marine Centre’s main programme of marine engagement events runs between April and November each year, but we also run citizen science surveys outside these months.
Events are delivered by Devon Wildlife Trust's Marine Engagement staff and supported by our fantastic team of volunteers.
Find out more about our popular Rockpool Safaris and Snorkel Safaris on their respective pages.
Please see above for our programme of events and click on an individual event for more information.
Important accessibility information:
Devon Wildlife Trust strive to hold inclusive, accessible events that enable as many individuals as possible to engage fully in our work. We do this by offering a range of different events, programmes, and locations. Some of these are inherently more accessible for a wider audience than others. Wherever possible we will make reasonable adjustments to an event to include everyone. Due to the nature of the outdoor environment and our work we recognise that not every activity will be accessible to everyone. We rely on individuals to read the accessibility information below for each event and make the right choice for them. If you are at all unsure, have questions about accessibility or wish to make us aware of medical conditions in advance please contact us before booking and we will be happy to help you.
Wembury Marine Centre's Events - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please see below for the answers to questions we are frequently asked about our events - if you can't find the answer you are looking then please Contact Us and we will be happy to help.
Is there a charge for events?
Yes, most of our events have a charge per participant and all the income goes to Devon Wildlife Trust to help support the Marine Centre and our important marine conservation work.
Please click on a specific event to find out the cost.
Numbers on our events are limited and therefore booking in advance will usually be required. Please click on a specific event for booking info. If there are spaces left on the day, then we will take drop-in bookings.
Do I need to book for your events?
Yes please. Numbers are limited on our events, so booking in advance is usually required. Please click on a specific event to find booking and payment details.
If we have spaces left on the day of the event, then we will take bookings in the Marine Centre and payment by card can be made.
Do we pay to park in the Wembury beach car park?
Yes. The Wembury beach car park is owned and managed by the National Trust and their parking charges apply for anyone who is not a member. It is usually £6/day during the summer and £3/day during winter.
Can my child attend on their own?
All children must be accompanied by an adult (over 18 years) for the majority of our events, including all rockpool safaris.
Children must be 8 years old to attend our Snorkel Safari events, they can join us without an adult in the water, but an adult must remain on the beach for them - adults are of course welcome to book a place and join the fun too!
What do we need to bring and / or wear for your events?
Please wear sturdy footwear for our rockpooling events, wellington boots are ideal or wetsuit boots in the summer - if you can get your feet in the water then you will be able to really immerse yourself in the rockpooling experience! Please also dress for the weather, as there is no shelter on Wembury Beach.
Please don't bring nets for rockpooling, we follow the Seashore Code at Wembury and nets can damage the plants and animals and the rockpool habitat in general. We provide buckets and will teach you how to gently catch creatures with your hands.
Can I bring a group to attend one of your public events?
Small groups are welcome to book on to any of our public events. However, we also offer private events specifically for groups and can cater for all ages.
We also offer Birthday Party bookings.
Please Contact Us to discuss further and to make a booking.

Paul Naylor