D. Carter
Seashore Code
Protecting a Special Place:
For the past 40 years, Wembury has been part of a special Marine Conservation Area.
The Seashore Code is a short set of guidelines that everyone can follow to help to protect the rocky shore habitat and the plants and animals that make Wembury their home.
You can help us keep Wembury special by following the Seashore Code whenever you visit to explore the rockpools.
Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photographs and together we can keep Wembury special - forever and for everyone ♡
Watch our short Seashore Code film here:
The Seashore Code:

The Seashore Code is not just for Wembury beach, by following the simple measures whenever and wherever you go to the beach then you help our precious marine environment for future generations to come, thank you.

Limpets in dispute, Paul Naylor, marinephoto.com